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Compare MOT Centres in Bungay & Instantly Book Online

Easily Find The Best Deal And Save Up To £54.84

4.6* on Trustpilot

*Based on Trustpilot: our average rating
4.6 out of 5 from 5627 reviews.

Don't know your vehicle registration?

Easily Find The Best Deal And Save Up To £54.84

4.6* on Trustpilot

*Based on Trustpilot: out average rating
4.6 out of 5 from 5627 reviews.

happy man using his phone

14,836,400 happy drivers can’t be wrong.

“I’m always on the go, so booking my MOT on my phone was really useful.
I compared garages, picked the best one for me and even saved money, all whilst waiting for my morning coffee!”

4.6/5 based on over 5627 Trustpilot reviews*
* Based on Trustpilot: our average rating 4.6/5 from 5,627 reviews.

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Find MOT Garages in Bungay; compare prices and book online, from the comfort of your own home, with BookMyGarage.

Use our MOT booking tool to check when your MOT is due, compare cheap prices, read through customer reviews and make your booking. Don’t pay a penny until the work is done!

So, is your car due an MOT test? The test will check whether your car meets the road safety and environmental standards, and you will be prosecuted if driving on the roads when your MOT has expired. The only exception to this rule is if you are driving it to a garage to be repaired or to a pre-booked MOT test. Make sure you avoid the risk of missing your test date by booking your MOT well in advance using our comparison tool; the MOT cost will vary for each garage so this is a great way to save money and ensure you are booking a cheap MOT.

Use the MOT comparison tool to get instant prices in your local area. It’s the simplest way to learn more about the garages in your area and get high quality servicing and repairs.

Our directory features thousands of MOT test centres across the country and you can search for them by postcode or by selecting an area from the list below. This will provide you with a list of garages and you can choose any of them to visit their profile page and find out everything you need to know before booking the MOT.


Why not add a car service to your MOT booking? Save yourself time and money with an MOT & service appointment in Bungay. Plus, you'll improve your car's resale value and decrease your running costs at the same time.


When Is My MOT Due?

If you’re not sure when your MOT in Bungay is due, enter your reg and postcode into our FREE MOT Checker & find out in a matter of seconds. We pull your vehicle’s information directly from the DVSA database to tell you exactly when your MOT is due. 

You can then book an appointment in 3 simple steps if your expiry date is approaching.


What do you need from your garage?

This might sound like a question with an obvious answer: you need a garage that can service or repair your car quickly and at a good price. But think again and you may realise there are other factors that affect your choice of garage in Bungay. If you need to bring your son or daughter with you when you take your car in, are there toys in the waiting room? If you’re dropping the car off between school and work, can you pick up a cup of coffee while you’re there? Might the garage even collect your car and drop it back at your house after the work is done? You can find answers to all these questions on BookMyGarage.

Book Online Today!

Don't know your vehicle registration?